The Battle Spirits Saga Event held in Palm Springs, FL was a thrilling tournament that brought together the best players in the Battle Spirits Saga community. With a total of 132 players participating in the event, the competition was fierce and the metagame was diverse. With so many players entered into the event, the tournament had eight-rounds of Swiss followed by a Top 16 single-elimination bracket. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Top 16 decklists from the tournament and analyze the overall competition and metagame that emerged.
Using only BSS01 and Starter Decks, the meta game at the Palm Springs Grand Open was incredibly diverse, with many different deck archetypes being represented in the Top 16. The most popular deck archetypes included Yellow Fabled Beast and Red Terrasaur with some various White and Purple decks scattered about as well. The Yellow Fabled Beast and Red Terrasaur decks also ended up being some of the most successful archetypes at the event with those two archetypes making up three out of the top 4 decks and five out of the top 8.
The Red Terrasaur deck was the most successful at the event, with two decks making it to the Top 4 and one of them taking home the championship. The deck was built around low to the ground, aggressive spirits and finishing the game with Jurassic King Gigano Rex who can hit the board pretty early on with some build around. The winning decklist also featured cards like Absolute Ice Shield and Burning Force, ensuring that you’re never put on your back foot due to low life or to help you out against the other aggressive decks in the field. .
The second-place White Aggro decklist was a budget-friendly option that proved to be incredibly powerful. The deck was focused on swarming the board with low-cost spirits to overwhelm the opponent while also refreshing their own spirits for multiple attacks in a turn or bouncing annoying blockers back to your opponent’s hand.
The Top 16 of the Palm Springs Grand Open featured many interesting decks. Notable decks included the aforementioned Yellow Fabled Beast and White Aggro decks, as well as Red Terrasaur and Purple Control/Midrange decks. The most impressive performance came from the winner of the tournament, who piloted a Red Terrasaur deck to victory.
One of the more interesting aspects of the meta game at the Palm Springs Grand Open was the diversity of the decks that made it to the Top 16. Players were able to successfully pilot a variety of different decks, which speaks to the skill level of the players and the balance of the game.
The accessibility of the White Aggro decklist was also a noteworthy aspect of the event considering it’s one of the only decks in the metagame not running Absolute Ice Shield. The deck was relatively cheap to build and proved to be incredibly powerful, making it a great option for new players looking to get into the game.
The Battle Spirits Saga Event held in Palm Springs, FL was a fantastic tournament that showcased some of the best players and decks in the Battle Spirits community. The meta game was diverse and the competition was intense, with the Red Terrasaur and White Aggro decks emerging as the most successful. The Palm Springs Grand Open was a great event for players of all skill levels, with the accessibility of the White Aggro decklist proving that players can win without breaking the bank.
Looking ahead, the success of the Palm Springs Grand Open bodes well for the future of Battle Spirits events. With a diverse metagame and over 100 skilled players in attendance, future events are sure to be just as exciting and competitive as this one. As the Battle Spirits Saga community continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how the game evolves and how players adapt to new challenges.
In conclusion, the Palm Springs Grand Open was a fantastic event that showcased some of the best of the Battle Spirits Saga community. The Top 16 decklists featured a diverse range of archetypes and players, with the Red Terrasaur and White Aggro decks proving to be the most successful. The accessibility of the White Aggro decklist makes it a great option for new players looking to get into the game, while the success of the event as a whole bodes well for the future of Battle Spirits Saga tournaments.
For a full overview of Top 16 including complete decklists, check out the link posted below!
Palm Springs Grand Open Top 16: