Digimon Box Tournament Tomorrow February 12th!

Digimon Box Tournament Tomorrow February 12th!

Hey Digi-Tamers!

Don’t forget about Dice Addiction’s Digimon Box Tournament tomorrow at 11:00am! Entry is only $10 and the winner of this event will receive a booster box of any Digimon set we have in stock! If we hit 16 entrants, another booster box will be split amongst the rest of Top 8! You can sign up in-store or online at the link below! 

If you have any questions, feel free to message us on any of our social media or give us a call at 918-932-8226! Can’t wait to see everyone make it out!

Ticket Link: https://tinyurl.com/pkre66kv 

#DiceAddiction #tankthedragon #shopsmall #shoplocal #digimon #digimontcg #winabox #tournament

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