Dragon Ball Super: Vicious Rejuvenation Prerelease

Dragon Ball Super: Vicious Rejuvenation Prerelease

Hey Dragon Ball fans, Dice Addiction will have Dragon Ball Super: Vicious Rejuvenation  available for Prerelease from jan 15-21! Each customer who purchases 3 packs of Vicious Rejuvenation will also be given a Prerelease Promo Pack as well as a Freiza leader and Cooler unison cards. They will also be entered in a chance of receiving foil variants of the promo cards as door prizes to be announced on sunday. Purchasing boxes of Vicious Rejuvenation will be available on the website but to receive the prerelease promotions it must be picked up in store for the prerelease promo pack and the PreRelease special box promotion pack. We will have these products available in store and on our website at www.Diceaddiction.com. If you have questions regarding this promotion or on any other products we offer feel free to call us at 918-932-8226. Hope to see you all there.

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