Saturdays at Dice Addiction

Saturdays at Dice Addiction
Happy Saturday Everyone!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Dice Addiction is open and our play space is available! Come by the store and get some games in with your friends! Whether it’s TCG’s, Table Top, Board Games, or any of the tons of games out there we’ve got table space and a family friendly environment for everyone to come in and have a good time!
If you have any questions, message us here or call us at (918) 932-8226. Don’t forget to check out
#Tulsa #tankthedragon #diceaddiction #shoplocal #ShopSmall #boosterpack #tcg #boardgame #boardgameshop #boardgamestore #TableTop #TableTopStore #ModelKitStore #boardgamenight #boardgameaday #puzzles

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