Hey Tabletop Players!
Are you a fan of Deckbuilding games? Have you ever heard of a shufflebuiding game? Well Dice Addiction would like to introduce Smash Up! Smash Up is a tabletop shufflebuiding game where you take two different 20 card decks each made up of different factions, such as Pirates, Dinosaurs, Aliens and more. You shuffle them together and are now ready to play! The goal of the game is to destroy bases and out score your opponent(s). There are also a wide variety of expansions to enhance your games such as the Disney expansion, Tokyo expansion and even a 70’s expansion. So come on over to Dice Addiction and pick yourself up your new favorite game! If you have any questions contact us at 918-932-8226 or visit us at 4622 East 11th Street, Tulsa OK!