Dragon Shields Perfect Fit: (100) Side-Loading Smoke

Clear front & Smoke back. Semi-transparent coloration conceals details on your cardback while retaining full readability.
Add Perfect Fit Side-Loading sleeves for maximum card protection. Perfect Fit Sideloader sleeves protect the tops and bottoms of your cards for maximum card security, and fit snugly inside all Standard Size Dragon Shields.
100 inner sleeves per bag.
For cards measuring up to 63×88 mm (2½”x3½”).
PVC-free polypropylene sleeves, no acid. Archival safe.
60 μm quality thickness.
Shinon, the Last Wave
Of all the ways the world will end, the one most feared by dwellers along the Arcanian shores is the death waves powered by Shinon in her black realm of the deep sea. According to the records kept in Mahallah of Southmarch, there has been eight such waves in recorded history, each one almost bringing the empire to its knees.
Since the last wave, a cult has emerged believing that just like Naluapo moves in cycles of nine, so does Shinon – only infinitely slower, and infinitely more devastating. Unless a means is found to shackle the force of Shinon, her ninth manifestation will be a wave to end all waves. And everything else besides.